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Información más detallada sobre algún voluntariado, próximos eventos o una propuesta brillante… Te atendemos a lo necesites por teléfono o por mail.





Calle Navellos 1, Puerta 1, Ciutat Vella, 46003, Valencia

¿Tienes dudas? Estás de suerte

    Have questions? Well, we have all the answers

    01. What is a non-profit organization?


    A non-profit organization is a type of organization that does not exist to make a profit. Non-profit organizations are typically organized around a particular cause or mission.

    02. What is a non-profit organization?


    A non-profit organization is a type of organization that does not exist to make a profit. Non-profit organizations are typically organized around a particular cause or mission.

    03. What is a non-profit organization?


    A non-profit organization is a type of organization that does not exist to make a profit. Non-profit organizations are typically organized around a particular cause or mission.